The St. Joseph County Commission on Aging provides a wide range of services to older adults.
The COA offers support to older adults in St. Joseph County who are 60 or older, or married to someone who is 60 or older. These services include help in the home, as well as programs at our enrichment centers in Sturgis and Three Rivers. For older adults who are in need of assistance with light cleaning or personal care, the COA has a dedicated team of in-home aides who provide these services. We also provide respite care and chore work. In addition, the COA delivers more than 130,000 meals to homebound older adults annually. This represents about 250 people in our County who lack the ability to meet their own nutritional needs. At our enrichment centers, we offer activity and fitness programming to help keep older adults healthy and provide for a high degree of quality of life. We also serve a Noon meal at our centers Monday through Friday. The COA assists older adults with the cost of St. Joseph County Transportation Authority bus fares. It also offers counseling services on Medicare and Medicaid, and many more services and support primarily funded by the St. Joseph County Millage.