Offering a wide range of
in-home and community services.
Please call the COA office at
(269) 279-8083 or (800) 641-9899 for information about any of the services listed below
Our Services
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COA staff use confidential person-centered planning to tailor care to your needs. Through connections with other community partners, the COA can help you maintain your independence longer. The COA partners with outside agencies to meet the needs of older adults in St. Joseph County.
Nutritionally balanced cold and hot meals are delivered to homebound seniors Monday through Friday. Meals on Wheels drivers check to make sure the senior is not in need of any additional assistance.
Highly qualified COA MMAP counselors assist Medicare beneficiaries in making non-biased health & prescription plan decisions while getting the maximum benefit from Medicare.
If you have any light repairs needed in your home, or are in need of lawn care assistance, call the COA and ask to speak to our Residential Services Manager, Nicole Notestine.
If you need extra help around the house, a friendly, professional COA aide can assist with shopping, cleaning, laundry, bathing and non-personal care to adults aged 60 years or older.
As a caregiver, do you need an opportunity to run errands or just relax? COA can provide this time away by placing a skilled worker in your home with a homebound older adult.
The COA can connect you or a loved one with an emergency call button. These devices allow families to feel safe while their medically frail loved ones are living independently in their home.
Gently used medical equipment is provided free of charge as needed. Items include: wheelchairs, walkers, etc. Call the COA office to confirm equipment availability.
Michigan’s Coordinated Access to Food for the Elderly is a program in which a COA staff member can assist you in applying for the Bridge Card, the Medicare Savings Program, utility assistance, in-home services, and other key services to help you cover basic needs while continuing to live independently.